Monday, August 17, 2009

Carol Michano and Her Dad Went Skydiving. Aug 6, 2009.

Carol and her dad went skydiving on Aug 6, 2009. Here's a photo of her with her dad and the 2 instructors on the left and right.
Parachute School of Toronto located in Baldwin, Ont is where we jumped. I was a bit worried about the windspeed ( 20 km hr ) but instructors said it was good for a tandem jump.
Will post photos and Carols Video as soon as I get the CD's from her. Anyone who wants thrill of a lifetime should try this. I think it's a bit addictive. I would like to try it again and I know for sure Carol is going to go again. Maybe we'll try somewhere in British Columbia next summer.

Skydiving, Carol and Her Dad. Aug 6, 2009

Tried skydiving Aug 6, 2009.

Pretty damn good way to spend the afternoon.

Here I am landing after my jump. Carol's still up there somewhere on her way down.